The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Thursday, July 22, 2004

Media "game plan" for Election Season

It is bad enough to listen to the media spin "news" with greater and greater distortion/omission of fact, to the point that it has now become little more than blatant daily propaganda for the Kerry campaign and red meat for the Bush haters.  One wonders how it could get any worse, as the political conventions are now upon us, and the election season is entering the home stretch.  But when you actually see the history of what has gone before, and you brace yourself for what is likely to come this year it is difficult not to feel like our rights as citizens are being co-opted by a legion of idealist, head in the sand, journalism school graduates, who over time become so full of themselves and their own celebrity, that discerning reality becomes not only difficult, but beside the point.  In a time when our very existence and way of life is threatened, one has to wonder at what point the degree of danger they are putting us in is worth it.

DiscerningTexan, 7/22/2004 07:05:00 PM |