The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Friday, March 18, 2005

A "perfect storm" -- and you can help

Due to being in bandwidth prison last night, I was not able to post this superb analysis of the crossroads that our country has reached with its Judicial System. Following two days of posts concerning Justice Scalia's take on the proper role of the Supreme Court under our Constitution, we turn now to the question of whether a few radical Senators have the constitutional right, even under the rules of the Senate, to fillibuster judicial nominees. Thomas Lifson appropriately calls this Judicial Activism's 'Perfect Storm.

UPDATE: With a Senate vote yesterday to release one of the disputed nominees to a Full Senate vote, the stage is now set for the big showdown. Expect the Republicans to not back down this time around...and if they do it will be one of the biggest betrayals of our elected representatives in history. Finally, and appropriately, it is time for men of principle to do the right thing, and to finally reveal the Democrats to the rest of the electorate for just what they are: opportunistic partisan hacks whose number one priority is not to do what is best for their country, but rather to find something, anything that will cause Bush to fail, even if doing so will ruin our country and our Constitutional process.

I'll be writing both of my Senators tonight to urge them to finally end for good the unconstitutional fillibustering of judicial nominees. And it wouldn't hurt if everyone reading this post did the same thing. After all it will only take a couple of minutes--all you need to do is to click right here, and to tell them to stop this madness once and for all.
DiscerningTexan, 3/18/2005 05:48:00 PM |