The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Saturday, March 19, 2005

You're calling ME a Nazi?

Victor David Hanson takes affront the left's comparisons of Americans/Republicans to Nazis, with statements "Little Eichmans" and "Digital Brownshirts" remarks, respectively. For me it is the accusers who more resemble the Nazis of history. Barbara Boxer and her friends on the left would have felt right at home in the Reichstag. Babs shedding tears as she tries to block legislation to save Terry Schiavo is analagous to Himmler weeping over Jews as they are unloaded from cattle cars at Aushwitz. Never mind that they are trying to save a helpless woman's life: the salient point for the Democrats is that a successful congressional intervention would also give some Conservative Republicans some good PR, and we can't have that... This is a lifeless, valueless, morally corrupt party we are talking about here; sort of similar to...well, the Nazis....

In a discussion about the Schiavo case, Fred Barnes asked an interesting rhetorical question on Special Report with Brit Hume: he asked simply "What is to be gained by letting her die"? What indeed.

UPDATE: I had the wrong link up yesterday. I have now fixed the link above to VDH's essay on the "Hitlerian slur". Well worth the read...
DiscerningTexan, 3/19/2005 10:05:00 AM |