The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Yes, the time has come for the Discerning Wife and I to get another taste of the delicious Old South. Last year it was Fayetteville, Charleston and Natchez for long weekends. Charleston was spectacularly good. This year is straight into the Garden of Good and Evil in Savannah; and who knows maybe even we'll make it to Hilton Head for a day. Looking forward to the rest

Regrettably there will be no blogging whilst I sample some of the finest cuisine, see some of the prettiest scenery in the United States, and to enjoy a culture of civility and friendship that is what separates the Deep South from the rest of us.

But I will be back Monday to focus like a laser beam on winning the upcoming battle for the soul of our nation: I'm talking about the decision as to whether it is the people's country, or whether the rest of us are under the tyranny of the the lawyers and the judges, and the Constitution means precisely nothing. Because it really is that simple. The ability to get an up or down vote on Bush's judges is the most crucial point of his Presidency when it comes to the long term health of the US. And that is still important where I come from.
DiscerningTexan, 4/19/2005 09:47:00 PM |