The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Friday, May 27, 2005

Is Syria next?

Using a bit of logical and deductional kung-fu, Tiger Hawk makes a good case that Syria has all but admitted guilt in backing the Iraqi "insurgents":

Condoleezza Rice has been hammering away at Syria in recent weeks, at one point saying that "Syria that needs to understand that it should not think itself immune from the way that the region is going." This is widely understood as an accusation that Syria has been supporting the reactionaries in Iraq, at least to the extent of ignoring their use of its border as an entrance and an exit.

Syria has responded with extended whining, finally declaring that it would no longer share intelligence or otherwise cooperate with the United States. Presumably to bolster the point that the United States would regret losing that cooperation, Syria announced yesterday that in recent weeks it had arrested 1,200 would-be insurgents who were attempting to cross from its territory into Iraq.

"We gave a lot of information to the United States on these issues, which prevented many attacks, but regrettably, the United States did not recognize such kind of help," [Syria's ambassador to the United Nations, Fayssal Mekdad,] said in an interview.

The Associated Press, it seems, has written this story upside down. If Syria has, in fact, been able to arrest more than a thousand insurgents in just the last few weeks, why hasn't it been doing that for the last two years? Syria, in its braggodocio, has implicitly confessed that it has been able to stop insurgents from crossing the border all along, and effectively admitted the charges against it.

UPDATE: Ooops. I spelled the Secretary of State's first name wrong. That's something that definitely would not happen in the mainstream media, so they have that going for them!

Excellent point! After 9/11, Bush stated that you are either with us or you are with the terrorists. And the left blew a gasket. But now that Syria has removed all doubt about assisting the US in the terror war, and indeed seems to have been supporting the "insurgents" all along, perhaps it is time for the "road to Damascus" to begin to feel the weight of F-16's, cruise missiles, and M-1 tanks... Wouldn't bother me a bit.
DiscerningTexan, 5/27/2005 05:10:00 PM |