The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Another Dem speaks up in favor of the draft

I had an instantaneous reaction today when I saw what Joe Biden had said: I thought: "some Republican can use this". It is almost as if Biden was doing this purely for political show; appearing to be the liberal Democrat who (along with Charles Rangel?) is just facing the geopolitical reality for the sake of our national defense, yada yada--when the irony is that it the Democrats are the party which would be far more likely to install a draft if in power.

And then I saw that Ed Morrissey was on the same wavelength about this. Seriously, some Republican somewhere is going to run with this ball and score big. Americans don't want a draft. The military doesn't want it. The Republicans don't want it. A huge majority of the electorate doesn't want it.

But the Democrat strategists see the draft as a way to hinder the war effort, rather than to help it. Democrats are trying to make the population more reluctant to support a war, even a just war such as the war on the radical Islamists.

The worst thing about this insidious position is that we are already at war: and it is the Democratic party that ultimately is attempting to undermine our war effort, even if to do so would result in the defeat or humiliation of the United States. And the consequences of that outcome are dire indeed.

So how does a draft undermine our war effort? Well the irony is: to the Democrats, reinstating the draft is not about giving our military more troops to win abroad; it is about increasing the domestic budget to put more pressure on Bush, while increasing the chance of military losses impacting a broader section of society (the non-volunteers), thus weakening support for the war at home. Rangel has admitted as much in interviews.

Reinstating a draft is, in short, a Democratic tactic to undermine the war in the long term. We therefore need to fight any effort to reinstate the draft with every ounce of energy.
DiscerningTexan, 6/12/2005 09:42:00 PM |