The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Germans to raze Checkpoint Charlie -- on the Fourth of July

Fresh off his visit to Washington to see President Bush, Gerhard Schroeder is now going to bulldoze a symbol of America's resiliance and strength in keeping Berlin free during the Berlin Airlift, and will simultaneously besmirch all those who lost their lives trying to escape East Germany's monstrous regime for freedom.

So Gerhard, what is it exactly? Is it because it was your side that built the Wall in the first place, Mr. Baader-Meinhoff? Or is it because you are acting like a spoiled child who didn't get his teddy bear when Bush told you he would not allow you a seat on the UN Security Council. As if! Did you really expect that to happen?
DiscerningTexan, 6/30/2005 09:56:00 PM |