The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Love notes" from Iran's new "President"

Via Charles Johnson, we've learned quite a bit about the new Iranian President (you know the one -- that "election" where less than 10% of eligible voters showed up at the polls: all hardliners...).

For one thing we now know the Ahmadinejad was the man who was the mastermind behind the hostage taking in the American embassy back in the 70's. And, from the sound of things, he hasn't changed his tone one bit.

This is from the "inauguration speech" Ahmadinejad made yesterday:

“Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 [the current Iranian year] will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world,” he said. “The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world.”

This is not a person who will give up the quest for nukes. No way, no how. Furthermore, this is a guy who would gladly USE them. On us.

My own opinion: the US has no choice but to take this regime out NOW, whatever it takes.
DiscerningTexan, 6/30/2005 07:18:00 AM |