The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Is the unthinkable upon us?

Front Page Magazine has a terrifying but must-read interview with Joseph Farah. Farah has seen evidence that Al Qaeda is planning an American Hiroshima -- and some of the weapons may have already been smuggled in long ago by Russians.

If there is one thing to take from this interview, it is this: What if? What if this is real? And if it is real, we no longer have the time or luxury to allow the partisan Dems to put all of our lives in peril. This is war, and we no longer are on the sidelines. The next person to die could be you or me. So what are you going to do about it? Listen to Dick Durbin and Ted Kennedy. Give up. Let them light up our cities like Roman Candles? Or are we going to takc charge or our Republic again? Before it is too late.

Here is the opening of a very scary interview. But it needs to be read (all of it). Because if there is truth to this, our time may be very short indeed:

FP: Joseph Farah, welcome to Frontpage Interview. It is a pleasure to have you here.

Farah: Thank you, Jamie.

FP: In one of your recent G-2 bulletins, you discuss the evidence suggesting that Osama is planning what he calls an "American Hiroshima" and that he already has the means to do it. Al Qaeda has apparently already smuggled nuclear weapons into the U.S. This is simply terrifying. Can you tell us a bit about this?

Farah: Several reporters and top intelligence analysts -- people including me, Yossef Bodansky, the former terrorism guru to the U.S. Congress, Paul Williams, author of the upcoming book, "The Al Qaeda Connection," and others -- have been working quietly and independently for years on this issue of al-Qaida's acquisition and plans for nuclear weapons. What's happening is that this independent work has led to surprisingly similar conclusions -- that al-Qaida has nuclear weapons, probably many of them, and that some of them, according to a variety of sources, have already been smuggled into this country using our porous borders and with the help of criminal enterprises like the MS-13 gang.

There is no question, based on captured documents and captured al-Qaida leaders that Osama bin Laden has been planning his "American Hiroshima" for many years -- long before Sept. 11, 2001. When you hear U.S. officials -- from President Bush, to Vice President Dick Cheney, to the head of the FBI and Homeland Security all telling us about the "inevitability" of a terrorist attack on the U.S. with weapons of mass destruction, this is what they are talking about. They haven't come right out and made the announcements about what they know is the threat because they have determined it might create a panic. We're not reporting anything the White House doesn't know. We're not reporting anything the CIA doesn't know. We're not reporting anything the FBI doesn't know. We're just reporting what the American people don't know. And since the government is doing next to nothing to protect the American people, it seems appropriate to let them in on the dirty little secret.

There is a major threat to the U.S. civilian population from al-Qaida's existing nuclear arsenal -- and, based on the evidence, I believe some of that arsenal has already been delivered to this country.

FP: What are Al Qaeda's prime targets? Why?

Farah: Again, according to captured documents and captured al-Qaida leaders -- and some defectors -- the plans are to detonate multiple nuclear weapons in major U.S. cities -- either all at once or over a period of days. You can guess most of the prime targets -- New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc. The only surprise, according to my sources, is that al-Qaida's list is not based on the cities with the most population. The list is based on where most American Jews live. So you see some cities like Miami and Las Vegas and San Francisco on the list. Dates are very important to al-Qaida, as we have come to know, and one of the dates mentioned in connection with this "American Hiroshima" plan is Aug. 6, the anniversary of the U.S. nuclear attack on Hiroshima in 1945. No year has been set, but it is worth noting that this Aug. 6th is the 60th anniversary of that attack.

FP: If Al Qaeda really perpetrated this horror, what would be the result?

Farah: Thre's an old joke that goes: "One nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day." Even one nuclear detonation in a major U.S. city, of course, would mean not only the deaths of potentially millions, but it would wreak havoc on the U.S. economy -- which is a always a goal with bin Laden. He doesn't want to just kill Americans. He wants to defeat the USA. He wants to bring us to our knees. And he wants to give all the glory to Allah.

FP: Could you expand a bit on the sources for this information? How do we know they are reliable?

Farah: Personally, I have been working on this project for nearly four years. This story has not come together all at once. It has come together piecemeal over that period of time. I have had what I consider to be credible sourcing on 95 percent of this for quite awhile. I withheld it from publication because I couldn't even believe it myself. I didn't and don't want it to be true. I have no desire to be right about this. I want very badly to be wrong. This is not a story that can advance my reputation, credibility, career or business interests. If I'm wrong, which I hope I am, people may some day laugh at me. I will gratefully accept that. If I'm right, nobody is going to be saying, "Gee, that Farah told it like it was." They will be focused on the national disaster that has struck us -- just as I will be. About 90 percent of the information I have gathered on this plan is from publicly sourced documents available to you and anyone else who wants to spend the time looking for them. It's only the analysis and interpretation that requires skilled -- and sometimes unnamed -- intelligence sources.

FP: Tell us a bit about Al Qaeda’s cooperation with the Russians on this matter.

Farah: I don't know of any official cooperation with the Russian government. But al-Qaida has purchased the services of former KGB officers and former Spetznaz special forces troops with knowledge of maintaining and detonating the nuclear weapons it has obtained from the former Soviet Union. In addition, Russia is playing a very dangerous game in continuing to conceal the whereabouts of nuclear weapons planted on U.S. soil during the Cold War. Al-Qaida is furiously looking for these weapons with the help of those Russian agents it has procured for a price. If Russia wanted to save the world from this potential holocaust, it could contribute by telling the U.S. government where the nukes are buried -- before al-Qaida finds them. There is a very strong likelihood that if a nuclear weapon is detonated in the U.S., it will be a Russian nuclear weapon.

There is more, and it is a nightmare scenario. Maybe it isn't true, maybe it is... But can we afford to be wrong? And can we afford to go on with the Democrats sabotaging every move America makes?
DiscerningTexan, 8/02/2005 09:20:00 PM |