The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Monday, January 23, 2006

The New York Sliming of Joe Lieberman

Ignore the Left has the perfect response to the New York Times article about the "pressure" on Joe Lieberman. From where I sit, the only "pressure" on Lieberman is pressure from his fellow Democrats to turn real integrity into run-of-the-mill partisanship. Is this really what the American people wants to see as an "example"--more hypocrisy??:

Democrat Falls in the Forest

I hate to link the truth haters at the New York Slimes but they write this article about Leiberman being marginalized by the left for a reason, which is why they write all their articles. The left does not believe anything. They have no positions on any political matters. They never believe anything they state publicly. They only have transitory political statements, repeated through liberal propaganda media, to assist the public in believing what they want them to believe. Tomorrow, they may change the position but will never be called on it because there is no truth to the left, only today's propaganda.

The purpose is to shake up Senator Leiberman, who has been getting good right wing press. If he is the good left leaner that he has been, he'll change his tune when he sees the Times on his rear. Bad press from the New York Times is like a last notice from a boss to a leftist politician. Leiberman has done the absolute worst thing a leftist can do: Tell the truth in the face of the juggernaught of lies being currently told by the left en masse. The most powerful thing the liberal propaganda media can do is use their power of focus to alter public opinion.
DiscerningTexan, 1/23/2006 08:53:00 PM |