The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Iraq: It's "Crunch Time"

Joe Katzman of Winds of Change warns that events in Iraq are quickly coming to a head, and links to several thoughtful posts that paint a good picture of the complexities that the Coalition forces face in bringing the competing political factions together:

Things are heating up in Baghdad. Wretchard of Belmont Club brings a pair of posts, with good links to Iraqi bloggers and Bill Roggio. The issue of militias and accountability appears to be coming to a head, and hard decisions will be called for by all participants.

Crunch Time Again. There's a lot hanging in the balance.

Krauthammer is right about the overall dynamics in terms of Sunni options. Return violence does have the effect of making the Sunnis think hard about the price of continuing to support and shelter those who would wage war upon the rest of Iraq, and how many enemies they are making. That's important. But he's also right that "The principal issue, and measure of our success, is the shaping of disciplined and effective security forces," and that's why reports from Wretchard, Iraqi bloggers et. al. are concerning.

US, Mahdi forces Clash. The Mahdi Army is Sadr's way of reminding us what a mistake it has been to allow him to remain above ground and breathing for the last couple of years. The US appears to be moving to take on his militias again, after they've been responsible for most of the anti-Sunni violence and executions in the wake of the inside job at the Samarra mosque.
DiscerningTexan, 3/29/2006 08:03:00 PM |