The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

We Want Helen! We Want Helen! ... (or: why I admire my President)

With his absolutely virtuoso jiu jitsu performance yesterday in his White House Press Conference (full transcript here), President Bush has shown that he can be hell on wheels when he shows that born feistiness, that fighting spirit, the core of his soul, especially when confronted with moonbat leftist reporters. And as blogger Matt May suggests, a lot more of the same would be terrific for both his own approval numbers AND the midterm elections of other Republicans (should they suddently again grow the cajones to actually stand with their leader). h/t to The American Thinker for this terrific find:

During yesterday's press briefing, President Bush allowed deranged lunatic Helen Thomas to ask a question. She proceeded with a question based on myth, lies and innuendo and then interrupted the President no less than three times as he tried to answer. It was a disgraceful perfomance by one of the worst members of the press corps.

President Bush should make it his policy to hold such a press conference like this once a week or once every two weeks, and every other briefing should be held in primetime so that more of the nation can watch. He should also make it a rule that dear old Helen gets the first question. Every time.

The more these idiots from the media who make no bones about their pure hate for the President, the more it helps his cause and the more it reveals his who is on the correct side of history and who is attempting to cover up the truth.

No matter what your personal beliefs about the President, a member of the White House press corps has a duty to treat the President with respect and courtesy. Tough questions can be asked respectfully, though one increasingly would not know it by watching the members of this particular WH Press corps. If the President is as stupid as the media seem to think he is, perhaps one or more of them could frame a question in such a cunning manner that the dumb chimp would trap himself in a jumble of contradictory phrases and explanations. Alas, it has yet to happen. Nor will it ever happen, but don't tell that to Ms. Thomas, David Gregory or any of the assorted pretty boys in the gallery.

Anyway, more W and more Helen, please. What the President said yesterday has been said by him in countless ways in countless venues since 9/11, but thanks to the feckless media his message has been distorted as many times. Apparently it needs to be said over and over again - and it needs to be said over and over again when more Americans are watching, and the media need to be represented by people like Helen Thomas. She is them in microcosm.

It struck me that as this President has taken all the horseshit that the media and mad scientists on the left can throw at him, as he has lived through the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor and led us to victory in two wars, as he has put up with the naysayers and the sky-is-falling lunatic fringe, that fighting spirit has never left him. He has conforted the grieving families, grieving for the children he send to defend us. He shed genuine tears after 9/11. He stood on that pile of rubble and told the world what to expect from the United States. He threw out that pitch in Yankee Stadium less than a week later. He stood strong even when the winds blew hard the other way. This is what I so admire about President Bush--he sticks to his guns, no matter how the political winds are blowing, no matter what the opinion polls say, no matter what the hyenas in the baying press are howling. You know where he stands, like it or not. He is not blown about by every wind as was his father and his predecessor. In fact, he is been at his very best when the chips are down--just as we saw in that brilliant performance yesterday in front of a foaming at the mouth press corps--reminding me of words I have carried with me since youth:

In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving"
But the fighter still remains

Yes, as a matter of fact, he does. And thank God for that.
DiscerningTexan, 3/22/2006 08:43:00 PM |