The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Jay Rockefeller Connection (continued)

Back in January, I pointed to a Clarice Feldman article which suggested that Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller was a person of interest in the NSA leak investigation. Now AJ Strata of The Strata-Sphere (with the assistance of Macsmind, Doug Hanson, and others) has found more evidence that Rockefeller's trip to Syria in 2002 was much more than just a courtesy call.

This is the kind of story that makes the blogosphere revolutionary; you will never find this kind of investigative journalism in the New York Times or Washington Post--for one reason and one reason only; the individuals suspected of wrongdoing do not have an (R) beside their name.

What began with an unbridled Special Counsel spending millions to get a trumped up charge in the media-overhyped Valerie Plame matter, has now grown to implicate the CIA and members and family of US Senators. Stay tuned:

Mac Ranger let slip some new details on the coming storm regarding the rogue ex-CIA types, Joe Wilson and one Senator Jay Rockefeller. I have written many times the under reported, unappreciated fact surrounding the Plame Game was Joe Wilson’s 2002 trip to Niger was not his first for Valerie or the CIA. Seems Joe just missed the good Senator at the airports here in DC.

I noted in this post the conditions in Niger in 1999 when Joe visited. A military coup d’etat had occurred and Joe was there after it happened, and bragged about how he talked (bribed?) the coup leaders into establishing a Democracy and stepping down. No one pulls of a coup and then quietly steps down without a good retirement plan!

This post posits that the 2002 trip was actually a mad dash to tell certain people in Niger to lay low because the US sensed a problem in the Niger uranium trade and suspicions about Iraq. With two teams in place, the addition of Wilson (with no expertise or current contacts) to go to Niger makes no sense whatsoever. Unless of course that was a cover for a different kind of trip. Note that Valerie’s positions in the CIA and at Brewster Jennings gave her a birds eye view of the uranium trade - and what we as a nation might trip over.

In this post it was shown a good trade good be made in closed down mines that still had plenty of uranium for the taking. Seems like we are going over information discussed many times on the blogosphere!

In response to the Douglas Hanson post at American Thinker, which shows how the UN and the IAEA have an oversight loophole, Mac Ranger points to an interesting article from Italy. It is from November 16, 2005 and mentions (once you find a translation site) some interesting things (in broken english spat out by the translators). The english is so bad from the translator no need to post it here.

Anyway, the Italian story mentions Senator Jay Rockefeller and his unique efforts against the invasion of Iraq. Among them is mention of “the relationship of the Senate American “. The story links the UN Oil For Food program and the Uranium trade (which I showed was possible in previous posts).

Then the story talks about a connection: “the French of the Cogema are in transactions with the magnates of the oil, comprised the group Rockefeller American. ” Wow. COGEMA is the French company (now Avera) that runs the Niger mines and monitors the uranium. Now I understand what Mac Ranger meant by this comment:

In the coming days you will see why Senator Rockefeller HAD to make such an emergency visit to Syria in 2002.

I had not made the connection until now that Wilson and Rockefeller both raced to the reqion in 2002! Maybe the heads up Rockefeller was giving Bathaast Bashir (and therefore Baathist Hussein) was not just about the pending war. The timing is right. Wilson went to Niger in February 2002, Rockefeller went to Syria in January 2002.

The article goes on to discuss the French Oil Company Elf, which is part or partner with oil giant Total, implicated in the Oil For Food scandal (see comments in this post and some here). I have long suspected Total could move OOF payments through Elf to COGEMA to pay for uranium shipments through another country like Libya. Proving it is well beyond my Google tools.

But then the articles mentions on Miranda Duncan, Grand Daughter of one David Rockefeller:

When David Rockefeller’s granddaughter, Miranda Duncan stepped down from Paul Volcker’s independent inquiry into the UN oil-for-food program it wasn’t, as the mainline media hinted, because the inquiry was giving an easy ride to Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

Investigators Robert Parton and Miranda Duncan tendered their resignations to Volcker’s panel at the same time that allegations in oil-for-food were being ascribed to Canadian billionaire Maurice Strong, through his admitted association to media dubbed “Koreagate man”, Tongsun Park.

According to the official UN read on the matter, Parton and Duncan resigned after making what was described as an unspecified “personal decision”.

The Italian article ends thusly:

But the tie between Irak, oil, uranio and war in these days is made tightened more and more..

As Mac likes to say, the noose is apparently tightening. Addendum: More dots between the Rockefellers and Total/Elf:

On the payroll as an attorney with Volcker’s Independent Inquiry Committee is Miranda Duncan. Duncan, who worked for UNICEF, is David Rockefeller’s granddaughter. It was Rockefeller money that built the UN’s Manhattan headquarters.

Potential conflict of interest number one for Volcker is the fact he held a seat on Power Corporation’s international advisory board.
Wealthy Canadian businessman and Power Corporation founder, Paul Desmarais Sr. is a major shareholder and director in TotalFinaElf, the largest oil corporation in France, which has held tens of billions of dollars in contracts with the deposed regime of Saddam Hussein.

Volcker sat on Power Corp board with one Desmarias, and hired Duncan to work the OOF. No conflicts of interest here!

Update: More on Miranda here, indicating she may have been trying too hard to unearth a family connection and was forced out of the investigation by the older generation of Rockefellers:

Duncan was effectively blocked from any ability to testify about what she knows by former boss Paul Volcker. Next reports begin to surface in the media that this wonder woman with a law degree is being advised by her legendary grandfather David Rockefeller to keep a lid on it.

Maybe she and McCarthy are going to be star witnesses???
DiscerningTexan, 4/27/2006 09:20:00 PM |