The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Friday, April 28, 2006

Saudi Jihadists launch cyber attack on Conservative Blogs

Today, the Islamists revealed what they fear so much: freedom of speech, the arena of ideas. The fact is, they just can't handle it--because at the end of the day they not only KNOW they are wrong--they know that their sick backwards ideology would never survive the sunshine of freedom.

Why else would they all be blowing themselves and women and children and even their fellow Muslims to bits in places like Iraq and Afghanistan? They know that wherever freedom becomes ingrained and sprouts roots, it is there to stay. And that scares them to DEATH. Why else would they pull crap like this? For Allah??? Yeah, right. I'd like to see where in the Koran it says to blow up women and children.. Or that a true holy man, deeply rooted in his faith, has anything to fear from what other people on the other side of the world have to say--unless of course they are busy murdering people in the name of Allah. What a bunch of sickos (via Michelle Malkin):

Many Hosting Matters-hosted blogs are down--including Instapundit, Power Line, Hugh Hewitt, and tons of others large and small. Hosting Matters' own website is also down.

Blogger Chuck Simmins e-mails:
Denial of service attack on Hosting Matters. Most, if not all, their hosted sites are down. Attack is originating internationally.
Haven't been able to confirm. But stay tuned.

***update: LGF, a Hosting Matters blog on a different server than the others, confirms***

I’ve received quite a few emails this morning from people having trouble getting to blogs like Power Line and Captain’s Quarters.

The reason for the problem: Hosting Matters is experiencing a Denial of Service attack. They’re working to block it now.

More info on DoS attacks: Wikipedia: Denial-of-service attack.

UPDATE at 4/28/06 8:43:47 am:
Although LGF is also at Hosting Matters, we were moved to a different network after experiencing a similar attack. (That’s why we’re still up.)

UPDATE at 4/28/06 8:48:17 am:
I may have spoken too soon; some parts of the LGF system are beginning to act a bit flaky.

UPDATE at 4/28/06 9:27:25 am:
The attack reportedly originates in Saudi Arabia.

On a possibly related noted, Aaron's CC blog has been hacked several times over the last month, reportedly by cyberjihadis mad at his provocative images. His site is also down, though I'm not sure it's a Hosting Matters blog. Does anyone know?

Another update 1157am EDT. Chuck Simmins sends a link to the Hosting Matters support site...
Well, we know who the target is, and we know where the likely source of the attack originates...and I sincerely doubt that country's leadership has the least bit of concern for extraditing over something like this.
Stacy - Hosting Matters, Inc.

Just fyi: The cyberjihadis who have gone after the Aaron's CC blog reportedly originate from Saudi Arabia.

I greatly appreciated all the blogosphere's support when the cyberjihadis took down my site down over the Mohammed Cartoons. If you're down, please send me an e-mail and I'll keep a list here of all those affected. We are all affected by cyberterrorist tactics, wherever they may originate.
Blogs down:
Instapundit (***Glenn is posting on his back-up site here***)
Power Line
Captain's Quarters
Pundit Guy
Chuck Simmins
Small Dead Animals
Hugh Hewitt
Mountaineer Musings
Say Uncle
Counterterrorism Blog
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
Castle Arggh! - John Donovan
She Who Will Be Obeyed - Beth Donovan
Michael Totten
Ticklish Ears
Theodore's World

300pm EDT update: Looks like most blogs are back up, but the story's not over. Aaron at Aaron's CC, the Hosting Matters blog singled out by the cyberjihadis, is also back up still down.

But for how long?

Hosting Matters announced:
Today, 11:46 AM This morning at approximately 10:00 AM Eastern time, we noted a sudden abnormal surge in traffic to the network.
Shortly thereafter, our upstreams confirmed that one of the servers within the network was the target of a massive DOS attack.
We worked with the NOC and the upstreams to further identify the target and steps were taken to isolate that target from the rest of the network.
Recovery on all segments except that target segment is complete. The target of the attack will not be brought back online and will be removed from the main network in the event they are the target of future attacks, so as not to negatively impact other clients.
We are currently working to address clients who may be on that same segment of the network to bring them back online.
Stacy - Hosting Matters, Inc.

Remember Nicholson's line from 'A Few Good Men': "The Truth? You Can't handle the Truth..."?

It is clear that people cowering in their fear of freedom on the other side of the world are pulling out all the stops to see that the truth gets supressed.

But the really sad thing is: our own mainstream media is spending just as much energy to bury the same truth. And--although these highbrow media elites like to think they aren't killing innocents like the psychos in Saudi Arabia are--in fact by denying through their biased reporting the truth from the American people--the MSM is costing lives; innocents and in many cases American lives. And THAT is the Truth. The War is on, and it is happening every day right in our midst.

The fact that they fear the blogs so much ought to hearten us greatly. Because they must--deep down--know we are winning.

Which is why we must keep fighting the War of ideas until the enemy is vanquished.
DiscerningTexan, 4/28/2006 09:08:00 PM |