The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

"...And it's root root root for the VISITING team / If America wins it's a shame..."

Just as I stop seething about the New York Times piece I just posted about earlier, blogger Mary Katherine Ham had to go and point out this atrocity from Chris Matthews on MSNBC. How can ANY Americans be so dense as to not see the unbelievably skewed picture that big media is exposing the American public to, day in and day out? When are we going to wake up and recognize the message the public is receiving at home IS the difference between defeat and victory in a war as long as the War on Radical Islamism is destined to be.

Should we all just throw my hands up, go out, face Mecca, grow a beard, and buy some burkas for our wives? Is THIS END RESULT what our "free press" stands for?

Remember the old World War II newsreels? Our parents saw America at its best, in victory--and even when things weren't going so well. No matter what, the War was a noble cause and we all needed to band together if it was to be won. Americans saw the barbarity of the enemy and the line was drawn between our just cause and their unjust cause. And as a result, the whole country banded together and won a brutal war, in which hundreds of millions died. They grew "Victory Gardens". They rationed gas and tires, rather than blaming FDR for high gas prices. They worked double shifts. They sacrificed for a greater cause. Why do you think they were known as "The Greatest Generation?" It damn sure isn't because they burned flags and blocked troop trains and shouted: "FDR Lied, Nazis Died..."

Today our men and women are still sacrificing for a greater cause: the very survival of Western Civilization. The tragedy is: there is NO equivalent of the Newsreels of yesterday in todays MSM. Instead, Ladies and Gentlemen--Proud Citizens of the United States--I give you: Chris Matthews. Enjoy...and think about the difference that makes such an enormous difference every day:

I watched the "Hardball" show on Haditha tonight and pulled some classic, Matthews quotes (my favorites are bold):

"Is it a cover-up and if it is, did it go straight up to the senior command?"

"Is this a cover-up?"

"Is this the act of someone who's done too many tours?"

In response, Gen. John Batiste (who has often called for Rumsfeld's resignation) said, "This is the act, again if it's true, because the investigation is ongoing..."

"These guys have been there for a long time, seen their buddies shot up and killed, and so they went on this rampage to get even basically? Is this something that happens a lot? Do you just get so pissed off at someone for hitting your people that you hit their people even if they're not fighting?"

Batiste: "I don't think we should second-guess the investigation that's going on?"

"Do they pick a target with that kind of intelligence or do they just pick a target?"

Batiste: "I think they're very exact in their intelligence."

"So, from your experience in these kind of assymetrical battles, these kind of incidents just occur? And you can also expect this kind of anger from our troops in this kind of assymetric battle?"

"Do you blame him (Rumsfeld) with regard to what's happened in this case-- the murder of 24 Iraqis in an apparent revenge situation?"

"What percentage, would you estimate, of a Marine unit or a military unit are bad apples?"

"If out of 150 guys, there's gonna be a mad dog who just likes the action... the question is who's calling the shots? What causes a whole unit to go like this?"

"I think what most of the viewers of this show are looking for is a littler perspective. Should we jump on it (these allegations) and say the war is no good? Should we jump on it and say the military is no good or should we take a more nuanced view?"

"Knowing the war and knowing this gonna kill the case for, is this gonna hurt the morale of our country?"

Check out the transcript later, here.

I think I am literally going to be sick... Am I making my point yet? Well then read on... tonight is "news night".
DiscerningTexan, 5/30/2006 10:34:00 PM |