The Discerning Texan
All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
-- Edmund Burke
Monday, May 15, 2006
Next stop on the Hugo Chavez World Tour: IRAN
Frau Budgie of Red Hot Cuppa Politics notices that Venezualan Dictator-to-be Hugo Chavez, not content with his nationalization of private property; his manipulation of world markets to make the US more dependent on foreign oil (thus driving up gas prices); his conspiring with Bolivian President Evo Morales to saturate US black markets with Bolivian cocaine; his signing a 'Security Pact' with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro; and his recent announcement that he might soon hold "elections" to name him "Dictator for Life"-- has now clearly sided with the Axis of Evil against the United States, promising to "cut off all the oil to the world" should the United States attack Iran, during his visit with the very embodiment of pure evil, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.
Chavez's Venezuela, Bolivia, and Cuba are not just irritants anymore--when it comes down to the global war on terror, they are openly siding with the Islamist terrorists. This certainly bears out David Horowitz's recent observations in his excellent Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left
--indeed it takes it a step further. It appears that the worldwide Marxist movement and Radical Islam are uniting all over the globe against Western Civilization. The gloves are off now; it is not going to far to suggest that a war with Iran may also mean active hostilities against Venezuela and Cuba.
It is not stretching the truth to suggest that World War may be right around the corner. And even more sobering is the thought that it might be necessary.
Frau Budgie's thought-provoking post from yesterday is a must-read:
Chavez Prays To Allah!
Well, that erudite and eloquent Hugo Chavez has assured his new best buds that he's "praying to Allah! that no war will be launched against Iran!"From the IRNA (you know, the mullah supported state newspaper where the editors & reporters don't have to worry about going to jail ... ?):
Venezuela's visiting President Hugo Chavez said here Friday Caracas supports the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Speaking to IRNA on the sidelines of the EU-Latin America Summit, Chavez said, "We pray to `Allah' that no war would be launched against Iran!"The Venezuelan President added, "We believe the Iranian nation's campaign is our own nation's, and we ask the world countries to respect Iran's independence."
He concluded stressing, "We are on the side of the Iranian nation and pray for President Ahmadinejad."
The EU-Latin America-Caribbean region Countries Summit began its activities on Thursday at ministerial level in Vienna.
Interesting choice of words for the Diety, since communists aren't supposed to believe in God, and most of Hugo's people are Roman Catholic. Ohwell.And, of course, at the Vatican, he reassured Iran that Venezuela will cut off oil to the world if Iran is attacked.On the other hand, it's possible that Hugo's looking to feather his bed overseas, since he seems to be wearing out his welcome with some of his South American Buddies: A M Mora y Leon writes:
Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is nothing more than a brutal leftist thug with aspirations of being the next Simon Bolivar, the next Fidel Castro. He seeks to unite all the nations of Latin America under his wing, so that together, they may challenge the United States. He would lure them into his axis with the promise of U.S.-financed cheap oil, yet punish and intimidate any who don’t go along with his direction by cutting off that same oil. He’s telling all nations that it’s either him or the U.S., and the U.S. has nothing to offer them.Every last nation in the hemisphere knows it.Ever since the May Day nationalization of Bolivia’s energy resources by Venezuelan state employees, followed by Chavez strutting through the capital of his new colony of South Venezuela — errr, I mean, Bolivia — like Hitler in Paris, there has been a growing realization that Chavez is a predator who would seek to take their resources for the sake of his own absolute power.But things are not exactly going according to plan: Like a moving hurricane, a vast unified hemispheric move against the dictator of Caracas has now begun to form among many different nations. (click here for a country by country breakdown)
Chavez's Venezuela, Bolivia, and Cuba are not just irritants anymore--when it comes down to the global war on terror, they are openly siding with the Islamist terrorists. This certainly bears out David Horowitz's recent observations in his excellent Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left
It is not stretching the truth to suggest that World War may be right around the corner. And even more sobering is the thought that it might be necessary.
Frau Budgie's thought-provoking post from yesterday is a must-read:
Chavez Prays To Allah!
Well, that erudite and eloquent Hugo Chavez has assured his new best buds that he's "praying to Allah! that no war will be launched against Iran!"From the IRNA (you know, the mullah supported state newspaper where the editors & reporters don't have to worry about going to jail ... ?):
Venezuela's visiting President Hugo Chavez said here Friday Caracas supports the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Speaking to IRNA on the sidelines of the EU-Latin America Summit, Chavez said, "We pray to `Allah' that no war would be launched against Iran!"The Venezuelan President added, "We believe the Iranian nation's campaign is our own nation's, and we ask the world countries to respect Iran's independence."
He concluded stressing, "We are on the side of the Iranian nation and pray for President Ahmadinejad."
The EU-Latin America-Caribbean region Countries Summit began its activities on Thursday at ministerial level in Vienna.
Interesting choice of words for the Diety, since communists aren't supposed to believe in God, and most of Hugo's people are Roman Catholic. Ohwell.And, of course, at the Vatican, he reassured Iran that Venezuela will cut off oil to the world if Iran is attacked.On the other hand, it's possible that Hugo's looking to feather his bed overseas, since he seems to be wearing out his welcome with some of his South American Buddies: A M Mora y Leon writes:
Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is nothing more than a brutal leftist thug with aspirations of being the next Simon Bolivar, the next Fidel Castro. He seeks to unite all the nations of Latin America under his wing, so that together, they may challenge the United States. He would lure them into his axis with the promise of U.S.-financed cheap oil, yet punish and intimidate any who don’t go along with his direction by cutting off that same oil. He’s telling all nations that it’s either him or the U.S., and the U.S. has nothing to offer them.Every last nation in the hemisphere knows it.Ever since the May Day nationalization of Bolivia’s energy resources by Venezuelan state employees, followed by Chavez strutting through the capital of his new colony of South Venezuela — errr, I mean, Bolivia — like Hitler in Paris, there has been a growing realization that Chavez is a predator who would seek to take their resources for the sake of his own absolute power.But things are not exactly going according to plan: Like a moving hurricane, a vast unified hemispheric move against the dictator of Caracas has now begun to form among many different nations. (click here for a country by country breakdown)