The Discerning Texan
-- Edmund Burke
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
"Moral Equivalency?" Yeah, Right...
Da Ev33l J00 shares the Best analogy i’ve seen thus far:
When confronted with the assertion that the Soviet Union and the United States were moral equivalents, William F. Buckley responded that if one man pushes an old lady into an oncoming bus and another man pushes an old lady out of the way of a bus, we should not denounce them both as men who push old ladies around.
Later on Ev33l J00 adds:
Consider killing. In every society in the world, murder is punished more harshly than non-lethal torture. If I waterboard you, or lock you in my basement with Duran Duran blasting at you 24/7, even if I beat you for hours with a rubber hose, my punishment will be less severe than if I murder you, simply because it is worse to take a life deliberately than to cause pain, even sadistically. We all understand this. Would you rather take some lumps in a dungeon for a month, or take a dirt nap forever?
Waterboarding, Duran Duran? Rubber Hoses?
Bah! Sounds like my first year of college. If I were in charge of interrogations…well…let’s just say that these items would be involved:
- Cassette tape of Clay Aiken covering King Crimson songs
- A can of goat broth packaged in Kazekstahn
- Nude pictures of Helen Thomas
*Evil Leer*