The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Friday, October 20, 2006


Most conservatives in America probably know about this by now; but it doesn't make it any less outrageous.

During the Vietnam War, "Hanoi Jane" Fonda went to Hanoi to make a propaganda film for our enemies--enemies which were killing our servicemen day in and day out in an unpopular war. She filmed herself with some smiling NVA peasants and at an NVA anti-aircraft gun, wearing an NVA Uniform. It made her an instant pariah with every man who ever donned a military uniform and wore it with pride. While men were rotting in the Hanoi Hilton, Jane was making films for their torturers. Nevertheless, the incident tarnished Jane Fonda's reputation and for many Americans with long memories, has made her a four-letter word for posterity. I am one of those.

Of course the Left in America loved it. And the photo-op, the communist-led anti-war Left in America, the length of the war, and overblown left-leaning American journalists eventually emboldened the Democrats to cut funding completely our promised assistance to the South Vietnamese. The result, after we pulled out: millions murdered by the "victors" after the war in the Vietnamese and Cambodian killing fields; America at its lowest point ever in the eyes of the world: weak-willed and soft, led by an impotent peanut farmer who--when the Sovs invaded Afghanistan--really put his foot down--no Olympics for you, America! (And Jimmah had an equally spectacular performance in that Iranian hostage crisis....thank God for Ronald Reagan)

Fast-forward about 38 years or so. Again America is locked in a war--only this time the actual war has been fought and won--the dictator is already defeated. Americans are still there though, trying to restore sanity to a place where blowing up kids seems to be the national sport, and where Iran is arming the militias to keep us busy so they can incenerate Israel.

Our enemies hide among civilians, use babies as shields--shoot, they even kill babies (as long as it will get headlines in the West, any innocent will do...). This war, like the Vietnam war is not about the battle capabilities of the opposing sides. In Vietnam--as in Iraq--if we were to utilize our forces without regard to civilian casualties (something that was not an issue in winning World War II) the varioius insurgencies would be wiped out in less than a month.

But the Islamist killers in this war--like the Viet Cong in the previous war--know that the key to victory is not the battlefield. The key to winning is that little picture tube in every American's living room. Perception is reality, even when it isn't real.

The key to convincing the ignorant among us to elect Democrats who will "cut and run"--and thus allow Iraq to degenerate into an Iranian-backed "Taliban" terror haven where jihadists can be trained to do things like blow up skyscrapers or plant dirty bombs in American and European cities--is to convince Americans that it is a hopeless cause. And their secret weapon is...CNN. And CBS, and NBC, and MSNBC, and ABC. Throw in NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe and you have a built-in advantage in any war, no matter what the firepower or military situation.

Against this backdrop, we have a jihadist handing a tape of several sniper "hits" against American soldiers to (drum roll)--its Allies, CNN. Ted Turner's network. You remember Ted, he was that bloviating self-important creep who said last week that back when President Bush spoke to the nation--just days after the jihadists took down the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and four jumbo jets--when Bush utterede the words which resonated with over 80% of Americans, and still ought to be in all of our hearts: "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists..."; well, Ted didn't like that quote--or so he said last week; it appears that he needed a bit more time to "make up his mind which side he was on." Lovely. Oh and just to tie this whole story up with a nice little bow, Turner found true love with..."Hanoi Jane" Fonda herself.

Can you imagine if they'd had television in World War II in the US and Edward R. Murrow came on the CBS Evening News in 1944 and said "we really thought long and hard about this but we decided it was newsworthy". And then proceeded to show films (provided by a Gestapo contact) of the Waffen SS gunning down American troops in cold blood?

Yes the World War II version of the story is a bit of a stretch--at least it would have been for the "Greatest Generation"--but the equivalent of this ridiculous parody is exactly what happened when that pathetic worm of a man Anderson Cooper decided to roll with a film made by murderers who decapitate their enemies and blow up women and children--on purpose--on a daily basis.

Let's get inside the jihadist mindset for a minute: "If we make this film and if we can find some infidel lackey to show it to American audiences, it might have a powerful impact to prompt Americans to throw up thair hands in their helplessness and elect Democrats--who would give ours and Allah's "glorious" cause new wings' Remember Brother Osama--peace be upon him--and his ringing endorsement of the fool Kerry? Well this time--if we can make the infidels see their own sons shot in cold blood--it might even cause the stupid Americans to actually elect the Dems this time around, who would of course immediately pull the remaining Crusaders out of Iraq. Then we Jihadist warriors of "God" could then set about our real business: training more jihadists to kill more infidels--and especially more "innocent" Europeans and Americans. Allah be praised."

"But first we need to find someone in America who is friendly to our cause--who will accept this film we crafted with such tender loving care--of young American infidels being gunned down while handing out candy to children. Let us talk to our brothers at CNN--peace be upon them--and see if they will put this on the news and on their website in solidarity with us to keep the devils Bush and Rumsfeld away from us. Allah Akbar!..."

And you know what? The found the lackey! It wasn't hard at all: They found Anderson Cooper, they found Ted "I'm not sure who I'm rooting for" Turner (don't worry, we know now, Ted...), and CNN! And the rest is history--one of the most shameful episodes in the history of American media.

This atrocity far exceeds anything Jane Fonda did. Jane made a film with some smiling Vietnamese peasants. Yes they were our enemies. But she did not film murder and then call it "news that Americans needed to see".

If I were President, I would ensure that the FCC yanked CNN's license so fast and so hard that Mr. Turner would flash back and think he had just downed a bottle of scotch and fallen into the drink in a stupor after the America's Cup race.

For a network already known for its Anti-American partisanship, this is a new low--in fact this may be an all time low for any American broadcast network, anywhere. This is so outrageous an so many levels that I cannot see straight. When American media outlets are running an enemy propaganda film--at the request of that enemy--of American soldiers being Murdered in cold blood while helping people, we are living in a SICK excuse for what our Founding Fathers had in mind, my friends.

And what makes it worse is that--because of Political Correctness gone amok, and because there is an election coming up, our leadership feels powerless to pull a plug that really should be pulled. This is straightforward sedition: Tokyo Rose was tried for war crimes and did hard time for broacasting demoralizing radio broadcasts from Japan--designed to discourage our troops in WWII; Anderson Cooper is an American television host who knowingly took a propaganda snuff film an Enemy at war with us made hoping to get it air time--and he gave them and it exactly the air time they wanted. Cooper should rot in jail and then in hell. And CNN should cease to exist on the American airwaves. that I have gotten that off my chest, I have a question for you, the reader--especially you discouraged, apathetic ones: are you going to do CNN and the jihadists' bidding? Are you going to stay home while utopian marxist idiots elect the very people that Cooper and Turner and CNN and the murdering Islamofascist baby-killing head-choppping airplane-crashing WANT you to elect? If so you deserve the government you will get. You are asking for the whirlwind and you will reap it. I would appreciate it if you would try for a different result--for those of us who do give a damn about this place.

I pray for us all.

UPDATE: Blackfive gets it right; as usual:

This post is Rated R for language. I decided that this is one of the few cases since 2003 where it is entirely appropriate.

CNN has a video of snipers shooting at and killing American forces. Here is how they frame it:

Almost 2,800 Americans have been killed so far in Iraq and one of the most dangerous insurgent opponents is the sniper. CNN has obtained graphic video from the Islamic Army of Iraq, one of the most active insurgent organizations in Iraq, showing its sniper teams targeting U.S. troops. The Islamist Army says it wants talks with the United States and some Islamist Internet postings call for a P.R. campaign aimed at influencing the American public. The video is disturbing to watch but CNN believes the story, shocking as it is, needs to be told.
Yeah, I'm sure CNN agonized over the decision to post the video of terrorists killing American troops.

Bottom-line: CNN knowingly plays into the hands of the enemy.

How do the troops feel? My In-Box is flooded with angry emails. Here's an email that I received from a Staff Sergeant (OIF III) that pretty much sums up my feelings about this situation:

Came across a video clip that is absolutely appalling. It is on Communist News Network (CNN). They claim that they received it from a insurgency outfit in Iraq. It shows insurgent snipers taking aim on U.S. soldiers in Iraq. This is the crap that the insurgents want us to see. I don't think that some parents/loved ones need to see this or the American populace. This is BULLSHIT!!!!! Another fine reason NOT to trust the MSM of today. Maybe we need to send them over without the PRESS on the IBA or the special blue helmets that these cocksuckers wear over there. You are doing a great job. Keep up the good fight.
I sent an email to CNN asking how the decision to show the video was made and whether or not they considered the war effort, the feelings of the families back home and the troops fighting this war.

Perhaps, Eason Jordan is back at CNN? Peter Arnette freelancing? WTF?!!!
You can leave a comment at CNN about this video.

Note: The CNN story after the sniper killing American troops is one about US soldiers accused of rape and murder.

Uncle Jimbo responds appropriately.

Anderson Cooper responds...

...Instantly, the piece received many strongly-worded responses from viewers.
Many viewers thought it inappropriate for us to air video of Americans being shot: "If I had a son or daughter over there serving, I would be outraged by what I feel is your aiding and comforting the enemy."
Some worried about kids who might have watched the program. (We clearly warned viewers the video was not appropriate for children before we aired it.)
Others praised us for showing the threats U.S. military personnel actually face: "Thanks for having the guts to show the sniper update and to show us the other side of the story. Please continue to give us the truth; I know the network is bound to be taking heat."
And still others thought by dipping to black and not showing the moment of impact of the sniper rounds we were sanitizing the horror of war: " ... I think the reason it took Americans so long to come around on this war is because they somehow did not think it was real because they never saw anyone hurt ... you guys need to show the unvarnished truth."
Whether or not you agree with us in this case, our goal, as always, is to present the unvarnished truth as best we can.
Confederate Yankee actually points out the unvarnished truth. I hope that Anderson Cooper reads that post.

DiscerningTexan, 10/20/2006 07:15:00 PM |