The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Conyers (at least) Makes a Stand; otherwise the Party of Jefferson has become the Party of Cowards

I have long singled out John Conyers on this blog as being one of the hardest-left, true Marxist members of the entire US Congress; a man who has been tied with a number of truly subversive organizations, including International ANSWER. So in a way, this video is no real surprise.

My irritation is that--if my guess is correct--you are not going to hear a peep about Conyers' honesty on the "elite media" Evening News: because they don't want you to know what the Democrats' real position is. The Democrats prefer to try and have it both ways with their wishy-washy "non-binding" resolution, but most are unwilling to put their "true principles" (I use that term loosely) out there for all to see--i.e. if they really are for pulling out of the War, having the courage to stand up before the American people and call for defunding.

So--as much as I dislike Conyers and as much as I believe to my very core that his belief in World Marxism/Socialism is one of the most destructive and dysfunctional ideas that has ever existed in the history of mankind--at least you can conceed that Conyers shows the courage of his convictions--which is more than you can say for most of his colleagues.

Meanwhile the sheer, unadultrated cowardice of the majority of Democrats who are trying to peddle these non-binding resolutions designed to bolster our enemy cannot be excused.

Therefore I am going to do a Public Service here and define in plain English what overt and subliminal messages these Dems are in danger of sending to various interested parties listed below--all because these unprincipled prima donnas have absolutely zero political courage to do the right thing (whatever they believe that to be):

"Cowardice" is almost too good a word for these Democrat low-lifes; I personally believe it to be sedition, and under Wartime Presidents like FDR or Lincoln, many of these people would be rightfully rotting in prison right now. If only...

UPDATE: For the overt and subliminal messages above, I want to stress that in their conscious minds that most Democrats do not consciously want the enemy to kill more Americans or innocents; but most Democrats--including any sickos who do not mind if a little blood is shed if it will benefit them politically--will do almost anything to stay in power, and when they sat on their hands in the State of the Union when the President mentioned the word "Victory", it spoke volumes.

Dr. Pat Sanity, a psychologist--who has a great Podcast called "The Sanity Squad" by the way--sums it up thusly (empahses mine). Be sure and read her entire post, she diagnoses and defines the psychological syndrome of Self-Delusion and Emboldening the Enemy:

No, they don't want our troops to be killed, but their behavior facilitates and encourages it. Our peace demonstrators say they stand for peace and are against war; but their mindless, unthinking, feel-good-about-themselves-and-what-wonderful-human-being-they-are behavior only makes the real warmongers and barbarians happy in the knowledge that they have many battalions of useful idiots ready and willing to excuse, rationalize and appease for them.

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DiscerningTexan, 1/28/2007 02:52:00 PM |