The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Sunday, February 18, 2007

al-Newsweek adopts the AP's Journalistic Standards UPDATED

Victor Davis Hanson points to a very disturbing "article" in Newsweek that actually appears to be about 3/4 Fiction. This is not only troubling, it points to a greater pattern within "mainstream" news sources of adopting and presenting a highly partisan negative bias to anything an elected Republican Administration attempts to accomplish, no matter what the facts on the ground are.

Of course some would say that this has been going on for years. They have a small point, with one very large difference--which is: in the past the media actually used facts to back up its bias.

Today not only is the bias much more virulent, acidic, hard-left, and noticible, but there seems to be no need or even desire for many of these "news" outlets to get their stories right; it is rather the ideological conclusion that is important instead of the real world. We seem to truly have arrived at a version of the future as lampooned in Orwell's Animal Farm--only Orwell was talking about Stalinism.

When conclusions are based on conjured events which are pure fantasy, the media has entered an Alice in Wonderland existence; to quote Grace Slick "when logic and proportion have fallen softly dead...", it is time for the citizens of the world to look elsewhere for their facts.

UPDATE: Michael Novak:

In America, our editors still seem to work to increase the power of the anti-democratic forces by being cooperators in their propaganda war, whose aim is to make cowards of all Americans.

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DiscerningTexan, 2/18/2007 01:08:00 PM |