The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Thursday, June 14, 2007

There He Goes Again...

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has become the poster child for incompetent leadership, outrageous statements, and hyperbole and partisanship unbecoming for even the US Senate. If you watched Dennis Miller's rant about Reid the other night, you may have thought Miller was being a bit harsh on Senator Reid; he wasn't--he was being kind.

This is the man who while soldiers were dying said that the "war is lost". This is the man who called 12+ million Illegal Aliens "Undocumented Americans". And now this man is calling our military leaders in that same war "incompetent"--while those troops are still under file and trusting those leaders to keep them alive; AND, this after the Senate unanimously confirmed that leadership, including the vote of... Harry Reid! Why doesn't he just resign his job, hop a jet to Tehran, and become the voice of the Islamic Republic. Harry Reid is an embarrassment to the Senate, to the State of Nevada, and to the United States.

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DiscerningTexan, 6/14/2007 07:42:00 PM |