The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Taliban teenager beheads Pakistani soldier on video

I will not show the video here, but my question is: where is the worldwide outrage about one Muslim sawing off the head of another Muslim on videotape--beheading a man who has attested to the truth of Mohammed's being a "prophet"? Is the drawing of a silly cartoon worthy of rioting and killing throughout the Muslim world, yet the sawing off of a Muslim man's head is not? Is a totally falsified story about a Gitmo toilet worthy of rioting and killing but this is not? I'm shocked, shocked that the "vast majority" of adherents to the "Religion of Peace" have not taken to the streets in droves protesting this brutal action... Hmmm...could it be that it wasn't really the Taliban, but Israel which was behind this horrible atrocity--and no one told us about it?? That must be it...
The return of Islamic beheading chic? A video showing a teenage Taliban beheading a Pakistani soldier has emerged. A frame from the video is right. The video was obtained by the AFP but has not emerged yet on the usual jihadi forums, usually an indication that it is being sold as a VHS or DVD recording in Pakistani markets where demand for such snuff films are high.

Khaleej Times:

Four teenage boys with Kalashnikov assault rifles, daggers and headbands with jihadi slogans are then shown along with one of the soldiers kneeling in front of them.

One boy cuts off the soldier’s head using a knife and holds it up for the camera. The soldier’s body was recovered on August 14 from a nearby town.

The video shows the victim saying just before his death that ‘security forces should not fight against the Taleban’.

The Taliban as they truly are.

At least the murderer is said to be a teenager. Recently a video showing a 12 year old Taliban child beheading a hostage was also released.

Why don't we ask a few of these guys to the White House for a "dialogue"? They seem like such reasonable people after all...

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DiscerningTexan, 8/28/2007 02:35:00 PM |