The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Friday, December 07, 2007

Flatlining over at the Network of Peacocks and "Keith Overbite"

Outrageous. You know, at some point the mind simply has to just shut itself down because of its inability to grasp adequately the unreasonable, unjust, unfathomable horror that is growing like kudzu on steroids everywhere we look. When I was a kid, I remember the NBC peacock in all of its brilliant colors. And anchors named Huntley and Brinkley. Back when people at the networks actually gave a damn about this place. How proud they must be now of what has become of a once-esteemed network.

In all seriousness, it makes one wonder: just how long are we as a nation supposed to just meekly turn away and do nothing about this sort of crap? We are slowly but surely being brainwashed as a society by our "entertainment" media. As in yes: it is intentional. Yes, it does have a purpose. And, yes, it is leading America (and Europe for that matter) right off of the cliff. So again I ask: How Long?

NBC IS REFUSING TO RUN PRO-TROOPS ADS from Freedom's Watch, but you can see them at the link. They told me that if George W. Bush were reelected we'd see a sort of soft fascism in which corporate media would freeze out views that were politically uncongenial. And they were right! "Freedom of speech: at some of our networks, you can't even buy it!"

UPDATE: Indeed: "Watch the ads on the Powerline blog linked to. Are they perhaps offensive in their very innocuousness? Do they paper over the complexities by using such simple phrases as 'Thank you'? Perhaps it is too controversial to say 'We think you're heros!' Is NBC's position that they support our troops, but they find anybody saying 'thank you' to them offensive?" The ads seem completely unobjectionable to me.

DiscerningTexan, 12/07/2007 11:11:00 PM |