The Discerning Texan
All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
-- Edmund Burke
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Now? Or Later?
I saw this quote today over at the Free Mark Steyn website (for more information on the attempt to railroad Steyn, go here), and I am republishing it here because these words really do hit home, and--like most of Dr. King's words--they are as relevant today as they were then:
Like it or not, this is where America is today. Our future hangs in the balance. Going with "the flow" means that the greatness of America country will soon be lost forever. Will you stand with those of us who care?
“You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be.
And one day, some great opportunity stands before you
and calls upon you to stand up for some great principle,
some great issue, some great cause.
And you refuse to do it because you are afraid.
You refuse to do it because you want to live longer.
You’re afraid that you will lose your job,
or you’re afraid that you will be criticized
or that you will lose your popularity,
or you’re afraid that somebody will stab you,
or shoot at you or bomb your house;
so you refuse to take the stand.
‘Well you may go on and live until you are 90,
but you’re just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90.
And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. You died when you refused to stand up for right. You died when you refused to stand up for truth. You refused to stand up for justice.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
November 5, 1967
Like it or not, this is where America is today. Our future hangs in the balance. Going with "the flow" means that the greatness of America country will soon be lost forever. Will you stand with those of us who care?