The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Just for Today...

I cannot argue with what the fact of Obama's election--and particularly what it symbolizes--says to the world about the hope of America. Still, I don't have any discernible reason to disagree with Mark Levin that most Americans have no idea what they have just done, especially the enormous price we may well pay for that symbolism. No one knows who this man really is. We are about to find out.

With that said, I can find a lot to agree with in what Jim Manzi said:

I have argued in this space that I believe that neither of this year’s nominees was likely to be a successful President. I continue to believe that Barack Obama is likely to be a poor President who will attempt to implement policies that will be detrimental to the national interest. Further, I think most political commentary relies far too much on the sloppy sentimentality of “Here’s how I feel about things”, but here goes.

Legal racial segregation was prevalent in America within living memory, yet we appear to have just elected a black man to the position of maximum honor, authority and influence in the country. The manner of this political victory is important, as well. This was not some prize bestowed upon him, and Barack Obama didn’t just buy a winning lottery ticket; he out-smarted and out-worked both Hillary Clinton and John McCain. It is healthy that the American political system gathers the energies and talents of those who feel excluded into the nation to change it, rather than pushing them away from the nation to oppose it. I expect a lot of damage to be done to the nation’s economy, politics, and social order due to the excesses of a government dominated by a combination of Barack Obama and a radicalized Democratic caucus in Congress, but as a wise man once put it, “there is a great deal of ruin in a nation.”

There are about 1,460 days until the next Presidential election, and I assume that I will spend approximately the next 1,459 of them opposing Barack Obama. But I’m spending today proud about what my country has overcome.

Mark Hemingway comments, and I find little to argue with here either:

Manzi's photograph below is one heck of a reminder of how far we've come is such a short time, and that is something we as Americans can be proud of. An Obama presidency will stand or fall on its own merits — just as Martin Luther King Jr. would have wanted it.

Certainly, I can't envison waking up and supporting his broad policy approach. And I still have some doubts about his background and lack of experience. Nonetheless, he's won the votes of a majority of my countrymen, and he's my president. Obama ran a great campaign and I respect him and what he's accomplished. For his part, I hope that he remains cognizant that he represents all Americans, and not just the emboldened Democrats in Congress.

I also hope those who took leave of their senses due to the high emotions of their campaign — on both sides of the aisle — regain their bearings and contribute more positively to the dialogue heading forward. Despite the hysteria, McCain deserves recognition for running what history should rightly show was a very honorable campaign. This was best embodied by McCain's graceful concession speech, which acknowledged Obama's historic victory in a way that was worthy of the party of Lincoln.

Finally, all that said, I have next to nothing good to say about how the media (on the whole) conducted themselves in this campaign. I don't think my complaints here should take away from Obama's victory, as the Republicans made more than few mistakes and the loss is theirs and theirs alone. Still, it's hard not to see how the press completely ablated any and all professional standards in one clumsy attempt after another to destroy McCain and Palin. Meanwhile, when they weren't cheerleading for Obama they were actively ignoring even the most damning criticisms of their preferred candidate. I just hope they realize that this kind of overwhelming bias ultimately isn't helpful to anyone, let alone beneficial to the upcoming Obama presidency.
Very well said.

I need to take a few weeks to recharge the batteries now.

But I'll be back. We'll be back. Count on it.
DiscerningTexan, 11/04/2008 10:47:00 PM |