The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Saturday, March 24, 2007

An Idea whose Time has Come: Guilt Offsets

If you read my blog with any regularity, you probably already know all about Al Gore's Carbon Offsets--the ones he funnels his money to in order to "counter" his $22K per year electric bill, his private jets, limos and other "carbon footprints" which are causing Martian Warming. You probably also know that Generation Investment Management LLP--the company he pays those "offsets" to has a chairman and co-founder named...Al Gore! So--to review--in order to assuage his "guilt" for his exponentially larger carbon print than the average citizen of the evil United States, the Goreacle is giving his money to...himself. And then he immediately goes out to the media and tells them about how responsible he is being. And thus the elite media's Gore-gasm continues, unabated...

Not to be outdone by this mass-media confidence game, however, entrepreneurs Dave and Glen of Total Kaos have created Guilt Offsets for just about every transgression possible.

In this spirit of helping the guilty come clean, I would like to throw my own entry into the fray for the 216 Democrats and 2 Republicans who have betrayed their country (and for any future Congressmen, Senators, CIA agents, reporters, or currency traders who do so): I will call these the "American Defeat Footprint Offsets". Just click here, page down to the Pay Pal button (it is on the right), and give as much as your guilty conscience dictates. I promise to contribute most of the proceeds to the Congressional opponents of the traitors, or to good causes like the Heritage Foundation.

(Cross-posted at The Wide Awakes--a great blog of like-minded conservatives.)

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DiscerningTexan, 3/24/2007 07:52:00 PM |