The Discerning Texan

All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Outrage: Nutroots assert that Conservatives WANT a "big" attack to Succeed

A new message by Ayman al-Zawahiri (who may be in command of Al Qaeda if Bin Laden is dead) is causing a lot of alarm--there is broad speculation that this is a command to carry out the next attack on America. Rick Moran comments on the "collective yawn" that the Left is spinning this with, while meanwhile the Right sounds the alarm that another "big one" may be at hand.

But then Moran gets into a theory by Matthew Iglesias--that Conservatives actually want a serious attack on America to succeed in order to facilitate the mobilization of the American people against our Global Jihadist enemies--and that assertion is patently outrageous from where I sit.

It is after all the Right which has been arguing all along for us to take the fight to the enemy overseas, to lessen the chance that a major attack would happen again here; this is the whole gist of the argument for "going on offense."

But it does not take a rocket scientist to see what the complacency of the Left, which has been downplaying our Islamist enemies and sabotaging the President's War Effort at every turn, can--and probably will--lead to.

But for Iglesias to take the leap from Conservatives predicting this logical deduction, to their wanting this outcome is at best unsubstantiated projection, and at worst--a veiled assertion that Americans who love this country now want their fellow citizens dead for political momentum. This nothing short of disgusting. Speaking for myself, an attack will not make me glad; it will make me even angrier at the Leftist saboteurs and their Comrades in Big Media for making another 9/11 possible in the first place.

No, we don't want a successful attack: what we WANT is for the people on the left to snap out of their collective BDR-induced Utopian stupor before the next attack happens.

Hello? McFly???

Unfortunately to ask for reason and logic to suddenly become a part of the Left's cognitive processes may be a bit too much to ask of these mind-numbed robotic ideologues or their supporters in the media. Iglesias writes for a reputable (but left-leaning) magazine now; but frankly I would have thought this sort of thought process to be beneath him.

Would a horrific attack change this dynamic? Maybe. Actually, I doubt it, because the hard left is already too far gone to ever find its way back to cognitive reason. Would an attack help to sway the "center" about the enemies we face? Of course it would. But so would have a lot more of an all-for-one-and-one-for-all Patriotic attitude towards this War and the brave soldiers who are fighting it, from those who have instead gone "all in" on America's failure.

Yes, our time may be running out to avert another attack--but had the Left actually been uniting with the rest of the country in our War effort in the aftermath of 9/11, instead of trying to sabotage it every step of the way for purely political reasons, the overall prognosis for the Country might just be one hell of a lot brighter.

It may make you Lefties feel better to put this on Conservatives; but this blood would be on your hands--and you know it. That fact does not give me pleasure, however; it does make me want to slap you in your myopic, ignorant faces.

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DiscerningTexan, 7/14/2007 01:29:00 PM |